Thursday, February 10, 2005

This american life

Many americans think that radio is dead. They are wrong radio is alive and well just not in the usa. Radio still plays a strong role in there lives. But npr is our last best hope of radio in the united states. My favorite program at the moment is "this american life". I have many own many radios from tiny fm only radios to large ham and shortwave radios. But I choose to listen to the show via the web. you can listen to just about every episode of the show on there website Each week we choose a theme and put together different kinds of stories on that theme. It is quite an amazing show. I highly recommend starting with the staff favorites if you listen to only one show please listen to The House By Loon Lake it is my favorite but any of the show listed on the favorites page are amazing. Please do not let radio in america die.


listen to Act V.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Robert. I don't like it. It's too random and weird for me.

Anonymous said...

Robert, I really like your post on 12/2/04.

When you talk about wanting things like ..."'romatic adventures' So it seems to be that what I really want to do in life is something that you can not really do anymore. I want to have adventures explore ancient areas discover new and really wild things. When I look up at the night sky I see thousands of adventures waiting just waiting..."
I really understand what you mean.

But the whole scietific garb after that kinda loses me (maybe you just get off on those tangents because it's 2:30 in the morning; I dunno!) You were right in 9th grade Hata class when you started talking about the verity of the string theory, and all your talk in that blog makes perfect sense (except for some of the alien stuff, not to say that there isn't life on other planets, but...).

I like your philosophical talk much better. Stick with it. Or, you could write a "booklet" about how you'd rank the candidates for the new college counselor position.

Sound fun?