Sunday, September 24, 2006

Backstreets back alright

well the backstreet boys may not be back again but i am. Now you may wonder it what ways am I back.

|-back to this blog? yes
|-back to blogging? eh?
|-back home? As you may or may not know I had a very nasty experience at sarah lawrence college that has necessitated me taking a year off. as such, for the time being i'm back to the room I have had occupied for 13 years. I will in time, once all wounds have healed post a vivivd retelling of my 9 days wandering pandaemonium, at least the parts I didn't disassociate away.
|-back to reality? did I ever live in reality is the question you should be asking. right now I'm at least in a parking orbit closer than I have been in a while.

\Hope to see you all again
{yeah I been trying to get a really cool nick name. at college I was segway even thought I tried to put forth that everyone called me starbuck just didn't work. Although some elite american colleges still are under the impression that people call me ford. gave me a laugh every-time they sent me a letter with that false tone of friendship. still others think people call me god you would be amazed what slips past those guys.}
p.s. I not a member of the eastern standard tribe at the moment so to get an idea of what time I am awake have a look at what time it is in tokyo.
