Saturday, March 19, 2005

Internet hug

sadly "Anonymous I" the only way I can currently give you a hug is by typing this.
If I knew who you where I would be more then happy to give you a face-to-face hug.

maybe this was not made clear

I have zero problem with no face-to-face communication. I only have a problem with this specific event. For the many reasons I have stated but also because every person there can express the ideas in the notes face-to-face (thank you commenter for allowing me to realize this).
Also note most of the time I participate in the "notes" event, because I have nothing better to do and fighting my little war does no good. But this year I did a friend hurt there knee so I spent the time making sure they were alright and kept them company. While doing this they asked don't you want to write notes to other people. I realized this face-to-face contact took precedence. So I crated the original post as a way to explain my ideological opposition to this event just incase any one excepted a note from me.

I received 4 notes. One type note from a teacher it was in french never translated it. another one a "joke" not with the simple words your hot in english and spanish. the third the only "real" note I received I responded my giving the person a big hug and a face-to-face interaction telling them how I felt. the final note was blank, yep someone left me a blank note.

Hope this clears up the issue.

Friday, March 18, 2005

a little bit of insight


x. Slept in your bed:me
x. Saw you cry: I can not cry with lexapro
x. Made you cry: see above
x. You shared a drink with: no one I drink tea
x. You went to the movies with:no one
x. You went to the mall with: mom and dad
x. Yelled at you: no one
x. Sent you e-mail: apple
x. You Kissed: never been kissed


x. Said "I love you" and meant it: only to my mom and dad
x. Been to California: yep
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: nope
x. Been to Hawaii: yes
x. Been to Mexico: yes
x. Been to Cuba: stupid laws
x. Danced naked: yep
x. Dreamed something really crazy & then it happened the next day:yes
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: yep


x. Do you have a crush on someone: duh
x. What book are you reading now: wonder boys "again" the politics fast food nation and one other one about a child savant
x. Worst feeling in the world: loneliness
x. Future son's name: ford
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: there is one nearby
x. What's under your bed: weird nerdy crazy stuff
x. Favorite sports to watch: lax
x. Siblings: little brother
x. Location: louisville, ky
x. College plans: Simon's rock then vassar then med school
x. Piercings/tattoos: none


x. Do you do drugs: nope
x. Do you drink: nope
x. Who is your best friend: hunter
x. What are you most scared of: being alone, developing schizophrenia
x. Where do you want to get married: hilltop over looking the sea
x. Who do you really hate: all those who are evil
x. Do you have a job: nope
x. Are you for world peace: yes


x. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: apparently so
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: yes
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: there has been only one
x. Are you lonely right now: no
x. Do you want to get married: yes
x. Do you want kids: someday


x. Room in house: basement
x. Color:green, blue
x. Perfume or cologne: no
x. Month: october


x. Cried: no
x. Bought something: yes
x. Gotten sick: no
x. Sang: yep
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yes
x. Missed someone: yep
x. Hugged someone: yes

Thursday, March 17, 2005

part III

My working definition of stupid: making an error that could have been prevented by education of thoughtfulness.

Had a little more thought had been put into the whole idea of "notes" the phb's* could have came up with an alternate and much better system in which ideas and feeling could be expressed freely and openly with out making them come to be excepted at the end of a specific time frame. After thinking for a few more moments on the topic I realize "notes" an attempt to fix a problem, yet all they do is patch it, and while doing so propagates the problem "notes" tries to fix. The problem of people being unable to express there feelings to others for fear of ridicule . "Notes" patches this problem by providing a forum for people to express there feelings with the added ability to choose to be anonymous in expressing these feelings. One problem with this is that it only allows this flow to happen at a yearly event for a few hours. The second problem with this that it reinforces the idea that the only ways to express ideas and feelings with out fear of ridicule is to be an "anonymous coward".

What they should be doing attempting to change the society so that one has no fear of ridicule for expressing there feelings. And if they must insist on having a specific setting in which feelings are expressed they should not lock it up not a yearly event which only last for a few hours.By expanding the time-frame infinitely allows the notes to no longer be expected, and allows them to retain much more value in my mind.

p.s I think way to much into things don't I
* powers that be

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I have no problem with notes.

I have no idea with "notes" in themselves. I just have a problem that a time is set aside where they become excepted. I like writing notes. I just have problems when a good idea has to be shoved in to a nice little slot. When something is excepted it loses half its value at least in my mind.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Lcs has a stupid tradition (imho) of putting notes in envelops for other people during retreat. The notes are supposed to all us time express ideas or feelings to our other students. I think this is a bad idea. We should have our friends know how we feel about them by our actions not by some note that we write in under a minute. Now notes in themselves I have no problem with I have the problem that we set aside a time when they become expected someone people like to put more thought in things that a quick note. So if you wanted a note from me I am sorry it is just not something I do. I choose to give hugs so feel free to ask for one.