Thursday, December 30, 2004

Get Shorty

Use the link above.
Here is the pic of my new haircut. Please post comments.
so I got a hair cut recently. I will post a pic soon.
And I think I may be part of a DUPE on slashdot.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Go Mom and Dad

I got some great stuff for christmas this year.
My favorite gift is this cord jacket from orvis. I have been looking for a blue cord jacket for awhile and I found it. Sadly it is a gray/blue. But is really cool. I also got a new 40 gb ipod. I really having an ipod in my life again. You have no idea how much it changes your life till it leaves it. I also got a nintendo ds. It really an amazing device the power of a nintendo 64 in your palm. The touch-screen is a new spin on the analogue interface. But I am still getting used to it. I am still trying to find just the right hand grip for it. I also got alot of dvds and books. But I will not list all those.
Thank you very much mom and dad.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Force is Storng with her

Eleanor has a power about her. I know because I have the power to it comes from intellgince.

I noticed something every person she has dated has ended up scorned and bitter. Whit is a prime example of course. But j speed dated her once upon a time and look what happened he can not stand her. What power does she posses that allows her to do this. Is she even aware that she has this power over people?

I wonder if I am given the oppertunity to date her will I end up in the same situation as all the others. Bittered and scorned.

Yet I would be serious about it unlike whit who cheated on her on multiple times whit you are a dumbass for doing that by the way.

I think if given the chance I would succed where others have failed.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Robert's Blog

Noncombatant: A dead Quaker. -- Ambrose Bierce

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Robert's Blog

I was able to hide all feeling for all those many years I can do it again. It would be simple but now it is all there out in the open. It has left my mind it is now the giant pink elephant in the room Thank god I am on meds who knows what would have happened with out them.

Well this whole thing would not have happened this was all caused by the fact the anexity went away I thought I had a chance.

oh so very very wrong

this is just like before I met her no techtv/zdtv and I am bored at school. My lord it is like before the screen savers is gone and so was the dream.



I am slowly over time removeing all feelings for eleanor from my mind. It is hard because it has been a part of me for many years. But slowly I am being able to do it. I really wish I did not have to. So many dreams are getting repressed. So many thoughts. It is what I must do I must accept I must move on.


Friday, December 10, 2004


[known as] cunningham
[guy/girl] male
[age] 16
[location] louisville
[birthdate] April 8, 1988
[ethnicity] white
[religion] between jedi and jew
[shoe size] 10
[height] average
[hair color] brown
[eye color] brotwn
[style] professor
[fears] evil

[cheated on someone] no
[fallen off the bed] no
[fallen for a relative] nope
[had your heart broken] please looks a few posts down
[had a dream come true] nearly
[done something you regret] yes
[cheated on a test] of course not honor code for life.

[wearing] bits of my uniform
[listening to] bbc radio 4
[eating] ice
[feeling] sick
[located] bed
[chatting with] no one
[watching] nothing really
[should REALLY be doing] french homework

[brush your teeth] yes
[like anybody] please read a few posts down
[have any piercings] no
[drive] nope
[believe in santa claus] of course
[smoke] nope
[drink] tea
[have a cellphone] yes
[have a pager] nope.

[who is your best] no idea
[who do you hate] sco
[who is the shyest] what does that word mean.
[who is the most talkative] me
[who laughs the most] zach
[do you hang out with the opposite sex] yep
[do you trust your friends] trust no one
[are you a good friend] yes

[what do you want to be when you grow up] a lazy rich bumb
[what has been the best day of your life] may 11 1998
[what comes first in your life] naps
[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush] once again read a few posts down
[what do you usually think of before you go to bed] ways to get out of doing work
[did you lose someone you really loved] ...
[how many times have you fallen deeply in love] no idea
[love your family] yep
[love your friends] yep
[have you fought] yep

[movie] pleasntville
[relative] grandparents
[sport to watch] lacrosse
[ice cream flavor] pumpkin
[fruit] banana
[candy] cocca
[car] I don't even have a permit
[class] art
[holiday] x-mas
[day of the week] friday at home
[color] green
[quote] a bunch

[like to give kisses] no idea
[like to walk in the rain] rain rules
[prefer black or blue pens] black
[like to travel] yep
[like someone] once again read a few posts down.
[sleep on your side, tummy, or back] side
[think you're attractive] not even a little bit
[have a goldfish] nope
[ever have the falling dream]only so I an fly
[have stuffed animals] hell yeah

[abortion] pro choice
[smoking] makes me barf
[suicide] ...
[summer] nakedness.
[tattoos] not so much
[piercings] yum
[make-up] dont really care anymore

[pierced nose or tongue] nope
[single or taken] nope
[MTV or BET] it was once techtv/zdtv then g4 took it away from me
[7th heaven or dawsons creek] everwood
[sugar or salt] salt
[chocolate or flowers] chocolate
[color or black & white photos] b&w
[m&m's or skittles] m&m's
[stay up late or sleep in] stay up late
[hot or cold] hot
[sun or moon] suns
[left or right] left
[mustard or ketchup] ketchup
[spring or fall] fall
[happy or sad] sad
[wonder or amazement] wonder
[mcdonalds or burger king] qudoba
[mexican or italian food] mexican
[lights on or off] on
[candy or soda] candy
[pepsi or coke] neither
[serious or not when filling this out] very

Thursday, December 09, 2004

ipod flash

I have an idea.

What if apple made a flash player that you could use your regular ipod to load songs on to it. so you could have your ipod and use it to load songs onto the ipod flash. Say your at the office and want to jog down to starbucks. take your ipod and load your favorite jogging mix to your ipod flash.

Copyright 2004 Robert cunningham


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

word of the week

I just had a random flasback to middle school helping jordan into a dumpster.

ok back story.
In middle school the has this vido program called ms network. every week we had a program called word of the week we would put jordan into a dumpster and he would appear and give us the word of the week. We did this amany many times. We latter found out that it was prohibited to play in or around the dumpster.

Well fun times.


Any good?

wrote this for my ap comp class.
Is it any good?

No one knows what occurs in the mind of a person with Alzheimer's. The disease can strip patients of their gifts, but it cannot quite rob them of their passions. The piano was Dr. Richard Barbee's passion, his last connection with the world of memory. Having progressively lost this gift, he now sits in a room that has been stocked with memories provided by the caretakers for people who have been robbed of their own. The tables are strewn with photographs of unknown children, wives and husbands. Dr. Richard Barbee is a husband, a father, a dentist, a pianist, and my papa. He sits at piano not knowing why or even what it is, but there is something in his eyes that says that a part of him is longing to play again.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

romatic adventures

So it seems to be that what I really want to do in life is something that you can not really do anymore.

I want to have adventures explore ancient areas discover new and really wild things. When I look up at the night sky I see thousands of adventures waiting just waiting. All I need is a ship and a group of people with similar goal. Think about what would happen if tomorrow someone invented warp drive. A way of going faster than the speed of light. We have impulse drives in the labs right now. Those have one use in my mind shuttle craft. But we need warp light speed.

What if tomorrow a group of alien diplomats lands on the steps of congress and wants to share everything they have. In return they want are lliterature. They have all the books in there heads they really want some more stories.

I would voulnteer in a second to go up and out there. I want to see the earthrise from the moon. I want to step foot ona naother planet. I want to see other culutures.

I would to point a ship at the second star on the right and go straight on till morning. Start a colony. Discover a utopia.

We know what lies over the nezt hill. But what lies over the next nebula. What happens we you go into a black hole. That would be a hell of a thing.

But the odds of this happening are so low.
odds are I will never get to step foot on another planet.
The moon maybe. I can at least look forward to going into orbit.
Zero g sounds like so much fun.


So I have decided to post more often now

So I am going to post more now.

Various rant

So the new building is starting to grow on me but one thing really is bothersome. These cherry wood desks. We have these several hundred dollar cherry wood desk and chair sets. There nice and all but it is hard to get comfotable with them because you feel like your going to damage them some how.

The Carpert is just crazy. Something about the colours and patterns used causes it to look strange. I really wish they would change it but it is brand new and as such the odds of this happening are very low.

end rants

I wonder what will happen to these posts in ten twenty years. What will happen to my logs my random files. Will they just sit on some random server. one day soon I am going to set up a sftp server at home an load the files to it. I will also print out my posts so I can have them somewhere safe. Paper last we have papers from centuries. Magnetic media has not been around for 100 years.

ok so most of my posts are pretty bad. I think if I wrote them earlier in the night they might be better.

Well back to the slashdot and penny-arcade