Wednesday, April 20, 2005


another year another loss
no matter how hard i try i lose
here is hoping for vice

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'll tell you who I am if you agree to vote for me.

I unlike most people do not promise my votes to people. I would first need to know what I am voting in before I would consider voting for someone. I would then need to hear your speech and then I would make my decision. But once that comes to pass I will vote for you sure.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Thank You

Thank you those who left comments wishing me a happy birthday. I would thank you all in person, if i knew who you all where, but you all chose to shield your identities from me.

Anonymous I as stated previously I would me more than happy to give you a hug. But since I still do not know your identity I am unable to do so. I really want to know who you are but you have left few clues to your identity and as such I am still very much in the dark.

Thank you all

i.m at dreamer8815

Thursday, April 07, 2005

tomorrow is my birthday

Tomorrow is my birthday and it will be like the last couple of them. I will get many very nice gifts from my parents. But beyond my immediate family no one really cares. Most years I don't really care but for some strange reason this year I do.

It does not help that that signal has re invaded my dreams. I had worked so hard to squelch that flame in my dreams. I had done it , I had extinguished it. I had thought I had locked it away forever. But during my nap last night on the plane, that signal was back, that collection of thoughts had returned to haunt me. It had to remind me that I would never have it in reality.

(this is written like shit but I feel like shit right now)