Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Any good?

wrote this for my ap comp class.
Is it any good?

No one knows what occurs in the mind of a person with Alzheimer's. The disease can strip patients of their gifts, but it cannot quite rob them of their passions. The piano was Dr. Richard Barbee's passion, his last connection with the world of memory. Having progressively lost this gift, he now sits in a room that has been stocked with memories provided by the caretakers for people who have been robbed of their own. The tables are strewn with photographs of unknown children, wives and husbands. Dr. Richard Barbee is a husband, a father, a dentist, a pianist, and my papa. He sits at piano not knowing why or even what it is, but there is something in his eyes that says that a part of him is longing to play again.


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