Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Force is Storng with her

Eleanor has a power about her. I know because I have the power to it comes from intellgince.

I noticed something every person she has dated has ended up scorned and bitter. Whit is a prime example of course. But j speed dated her once upon a time and look what happened he can not stand her. What power does she posses that allows her to do this. Is she even aware that she has this power over people?

I wonder if I am given the oppertunity to date her will I end up in the same situation as all the others. Bittered and scorned.

Yet I would be serious about it unlike whit who cheated on her on multiple times whit you are a dumbass for doing that by the way.

I think if given the chance I would succed where others have failed.


Anonymous said...

Robert, I love you.

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahahahaha! *gasp* Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
