Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Yet another Poll

Wish on stars?:Yes
First crush: You thinkI would let that get onto the net hahah
Single or attached?: single.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
Do you believe in "the one?": I do
Favorite place to be kissed?: Never been kissed.
First Kiss:Never been kissed.
Are you a tease?: no
Bought: Undone (The Sweater Song) from iTunes Music Store
Ate & Drank: Double pack of cup of soup
Gloves or mittens: gloves.
This or that: this.
Hugged: My mom when I said I could not go to school today.
Instant messaged: Madeleine Lambert
Been in a fight? I rather not answer that question.
Your bedroom like?: Messy.
What is your biggest fear?: schizophrenia.
What feature are you most insecure about?: my thighs
Spontaneous or plain?: plain.
Are you happy with your given name?: yes
Places have you lived in (for over 3 months)?: louisville
Countries have you been to?: USA, canada, France
Jobs you have held?: 1 my consulting job. 42 bucks an hour beat that.
Years of school have you attended?: Sophomore in high school you do the math
did/do you have braces?: Nope
who's your favorite teacher?: Calerwood=God
what is your favorite dream?: Winning the fields metal
do you believe in ghosts?: yes
If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday. Can we say Sci-Fi
If I were a time of day I would be: 12:00 pm

Well this is a sick day. My stomach still is rout with discomfort. And my head feels like it is going to explode.
I had a strange dream last night. I was in school in a room that was set up differently then any room at school. Travis was the teacher. We were talking about copy right law. Then mrs, Harrison came in saying i need to do something in the light. I said I have not been out in the sun for more then a hour in 12 months. Showed my skin and how it was weird from sun exposer.
Then I woke up. to a phone call.

My god so many people call this house during the day. I almost unplugged the phone. My dad changed the phone in the guest room. So it sounds like the one from the matrix. I pick it up and think I am going to be unplugged.