Wednesday, December 24, 2003


As a kid I would stay up all night annoying my father saying can I go look at the present now. He would say why did you wake me 12:00:01 I would say it is official christmas day now. I would then stay up the reset of the night so pumped with excitement wondering what my parents had gotten for me. I would go into my dads room every 30 minutes finally he would give me a time and he would the say for every-time you walk me up before that point it move 10 minutes later. I would the sit in my room away. I was so hyper I coulld not read. I wonder why it never came to me that I could just walk down stairs and go into the living room and find out what was there. Now I get it this is where the myth of santa plays it most important role. Keeping the kid in there rooms. Because they believe that santa was watching them and would not deliver there presents if they came and look. You see this must be the whole reason for the myth. But he is a second reason if the parents forgot to get something they can say Santa forgot and then when they get it for the kid they look like a huge hero for getting it. Aah I cracked the santa mythos.
I wish I was 8 years old.
Robert (aka Ford Prefect)