Friday, February 13, 2004

Sick Day

There is something strange about a sick day.
On these days I am given my power.
The power of pure freedom.
No one to tell me what to do and where to go.
But of course I am stuck in bed.
But knowing the power is there gives me true happiness.

Been having a weird dream lately. Receive a human heart in a walgreens. You know the ones they give you your meds in. I freaks me out to I hit in with a hammer and try to destroy in over and over again. Of course I am home alone coding when it comes. When my dad gets home I wake up. What this means when my dad gets home from Chicago I will ask him

Let me put a myth to bed. YOU CAN READ IN YOUR SLEEP. I read lots of text in my sleep. Maybe your just stupid and your dream contain no words for you to read.

Valentines day is tomorrow. What will I be doing. MOCK TRIAL. Then Nothing finding plans for a betatron. I wish I had a girlfriend. Lucky bastards who have them.

I bet Darl McBride has one. By the way he is the CEO of SCO a.k.a Litigious bastards.

Well I need to see some movies so i will spend my weekend at the movies theater.

I hate Litigious bastards