Friday, September 26, 2003

NDA's Suck

God's Screename
I feel right now like a NDA has been put on my life right now. But you know fuck it. I feel like shit man. I wish I had a freaking time machine and go and fix everything. And go father back and talk to Jesus and ask why would he do this to our school our lcs family why would he have sarah morris be there when it happened why. I would also find where the arc of the convent is stored and use it because according to something I read in a book it is a radio to god all this one way conversations is a pain.
When is god going to get eMail.
I when will he get an AIM account.
I mean would it not be so kick ass to find out god had an AIM account and you had his screen-name.
What would you do with it how would you use it.
You know that once you used it it would change.
I would use it to get his ip address then hack gods computer.
Then I would have access to god's plain.
Because then I could change it .
But what would happen then.
If I changed gods plain would that mean that god is no longer omniscient
Would god then disappear into a puff of logic.
Aggh this is weird
So the only way for someone to be omniscient is if they are the only one to be so. If someone had access to the info and changed something. Then they both would no longer be omniscient.
What if this where to happen?
It feels like I have an NDA on my life but do not know the info I am not allowed to say.
So this is what it is like not to be a dev. for things and not know that secret info.
So I guess god is like the lead dev. for the universe?
But he needs to run an update becasue he sure has some bad code.

Current thing playing in itunes
Kiss Me, Son Of God from the album "Lincoln" by They Might Be Giants

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